Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First reactions to The Invention of Morel

I would like to call to attention slash maybe just ask about the memory cpabilities of Morel. I understand the machine, the various possible motives behind it's invention and also the way in which he is now forced to live (or not live). However the one thing I cannot understand is how he revealed the machine to his peers. When he sat them all down, were they in the process of dying? Had the just died and the moment was still relevant enough for Morel to convey to them what was/had happened? Or had then not yet died and Morel was telling them what was going to happen in the very near future. This argument makes sense because it would give him a a chance to explain before hand any discomfort they may feel like we saw with the main character.

It does not make sense that he would tell them after the fact because how would he remember? On page 85 it is discussed how the subjects have no memory of what happened before. So if Morel is explaining his invention after they have been transmitted to their eternal ghost-like state, he should have no memory or what happened before. Also, Stoever and the others should have no memory of Charlie or any misfortunes from their old job.

Also, had Morel transmitted the ship and its crew as well? In which case was the phantom ship floating around the ocean without being seen by anyone else? If this is correct, I SINCERELY hope there are ships and planes and giant Cyclopes roaming the earth that I cannot see.

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